What is error code 0x80070426 in Windows 7?

What is error code 0x80070426 in Windows 7?

What is error code 0x80070426 in Windows 7?

Method 1: Uninstall Microsoft Security Essentials The first method you should try is to uninstall Microsoft Security Essentials. Follow the steps below:
Method 2: Run Windows Update Troubleshooter Running Windows Update Troubleshooter to fix the 0x80070426 error is also a good idea. Here is the tutorial:
Method 3: Run an SFC Scan
Method 4: Reset the Windows Update Components

Method 1: Uninstall Microsoft Security Essentials The first method you should try is to uninstall Microsoft Security Essentials. Follow the steps below:
Method 2: Run Windows Update Troubleshooter Running Windows Update Troubleshooter to fix the 0x80070426 error is also a good idea. Here is the tutorial:
Method 3: Run an SFC Scan
Method 4: Reset the Windows Update Components

Method 1: Uninstall Microsoft Security Essentials The first method you should try is to uninstall Microsoft Security Essentials. Follow the steps below:
Method 2: Run Windows Update Troubleshooter Running Windows Update Troubleshooter to fix the 0x80070426 error is also a good idea. Here is the tutorial:
Method 3: Run an SFC Scan
Method 4: Reset the Windows Update Components

Method 1: Uninstall Microsoft Security Essentials The first method you should try is to uninstall Microsoft Security Essentials. Follow the steps below:
Method 2: Run Windows Update Troubleshooter Running Windows Update Troubleshooter to fix the 0x80070426 error is also a good idea. Here is the tutorial:
Method 3: Run an SFC Scan
Method 4: Reset the Windows Update Components

Updated May 2024: Stop error messages and fix your computer problem with this tool. Get it now at this link
  1. Download and install the software.
  2. It will scan your computer for problems.
  3. The tool will then fix the issues that were found.

Sometimes a particular 0x80070426 error is caused by corrupted computers, so you can run an effective SFC scan to fix all 0x80070426 errors. Step 1: Type cmd that will appear in the search box and then right-click on the command prompt command to select “Run as administrator”.

Error 0x80070426: On a computer running Microsoft Windows Non-Core Edition, run slui.exe 0x80070426 0x2a to view the content of the error. 0x80070426 Error: On a computer running Microsoft Windows Non-Core Edition, open slui.exe 0x80070426 0x2a to see the error text.

To get rid of Windows Defender error 80070426, you must first uninstall Microsoft Security Essentials. With that done, you can follow today’s solutions below to get Windows Defender working. It is possible that this error occurred during each of our update process due to corrupted Windows system files on your electronic devices.

Updated: May 2024

Are you grappling with persistent PC problems? We have a solution for you. Introducing our all-in-one Windows utility software designed to diagnose and address various computer issues. This software not only helps you rectify existing problems but also safeguards your system from potential threats such as malware and hardware failures, while significantly enhancing the overall performance of your device.

  • Step 1 : Install PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista).
  • Step 2 : Click Start Scan to find out what issues are causing PC problems.
  • Step 3 : Click on Repair All to correct all issues.


Windows activation tools have detected (wat) that the system is not genuine. Contact the Microsoft License Activation Centers for assistance. Windows activation tools have detected that this system is not absolute. The system will continue to operate during the non-original product acceptance period.

What is error code 0x80070426 in Windows 7?

If customers received this warning on their PC, it means that there is probably something wrong with your system performance. Error code 0x80070426 Windows 7 is one of the problems that owners can face as a result of incorrect or unsuccessful installation or removal of software that may have left incorrect entries in community items.

What is error code 0x80070426 in Windows 7?

If you get an idea warning on your PC, it means that your system has crashed. Software Error 0x80070426 Windows 7 is one such problem that users may encounter when they leave invalid entries in system items due to incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software.

RECOMMENATION: Click here for help with Windows errors.